I also noticed something about all of my Squeezeboxen as well as his,
NONE of then will allow you to start or goto MYSB.com. There is no Tab
or button anywhere for MYSB.com

Are you suffering from the power-user syndrome? Did you try out so many parameters and settings you don't remember how you broke your LMS? :-D

In particular: are you running LMS with the --nomysqueezebox parameter?

Is there some setting on the LMS Server that would prevent a Touch,
Transporter, Baby, or Boom from being able to go to MYSB.com?

--nomysqueezebox. Did you restart all networking components in volved? In particular any device potentially acting as the DNS proxy? We did recently work on the infrastructure, incl. replacing load-balancers. Therefore IP addresses have changed. If your DNS was returning stale data, that might be a problem.


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