11/22/2002 5:47:55 PM, Nathan Bubna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>yeah, i haven't gotten to see it, but i heard he talked about the
>Velocity+Struts stuff in it.  i'm hoping it gets more people 
>looking into and/or using that code.  i think there's some good 
>potential there, but progress has kinda plateaued lately.  it 
>could use some fresh users/contributers to prod things along.

What you and Gabe have setup is already very complete. The only 
thing I've found to add so far is a convenience error tool to snag 
the globals. But other than that, it all seems as smooth as silk. 

I'm missing Tiles of course. Though, I'm thinking that might be 
soluable. Might just need a different request processor. 

In the meantime, it wasn't hard to mockup a poor-man's Tiles. I 
threw up an Action that sets the paths for specified list of 
ActionForwards into the context. My Velocity templates can then 
reference these in parse statements to assemble the pages. After 
the real Action is done, it forward to a "view Action" 

So, in struts-config, I elements like this 

            path="Search Result"
            path="Search Result"

Where elements like "menu" and "body" are being included by the 
base Layout.vm through #parse directives. Velocity also makes it 
very easy to specify the action from the configuration, so you can 
the same form to different actions. (Very useful in practice.)

But this is really just a hack, and I do think we need to expand 
the scope of Tiles in 1.2.x so that it can be used with other 
presentation systems. 

I've also started to setup some velocimacros that provide the same 
sort of utility we see in the Struts JSP tags, like the mulitbox 
and select tags:

## "Multibox" control
## $name The control name shared by the checkboxes
## $labels The master list of checkbox labels 
## $values The list of checkboxes that have been set (subset of 
## :TODO: Test in portal application
#macro (multibox $name $labels $values)

  #foreach ($n in $labels)<input type="checkbox" name="$name" 
  #foreach ($v in $values)#if($v==$n)checked="checked" #end#end />


## Select control 
## $name The control name
## $value The selected value 
## $labels The list of labels for the options
## $values The list of values for the options
#macro (select $name $value $labels $values)
  ## The velocityCounter starts at 1 by default, so we use our own 
zero-based counter.
  <select name="$name">
  #foreach ($v in $values) 
  <option value="$v"#if("$v"=="$value") selected="selected"#end>


Here's another one for doing a drop-down date control (in 

## Drop-down date control (en)
## $day  The name for the day
## $dayV The value for the day
## $month  The name for the month
## $monthV The value for the month
## $year  The name for the year
## $yearV The value for the year
## $yearRange  The range of years

#macro (dropDate $day $dayV $month $monthV $year $yearV 

  #set($monthLabels = 
  #set($monthValues = 
  #select($month $monthV $monthLabels $monthValues)

  #set($dayValues = [1..31])
  #select($day $dayV $dayValues $dayValues)

  #select($year $yearV $yearRange $yearRange)


These came out an application that can be downloaded here:


if anyone is interested.

I think there's a lot of potential here for making Struts 
applications eaiser to create, both by handcoders and by GUIS and 
code generators, like Middlegen's. 


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