See comments below...

> yeah, no offense intended to David Johnson, but that's a 
> really poor way to use Velocity.  it looks as though that 
> method is intended to spit out some HTML hardcoded into 
> whatever $macros is or some such thing.  the HTML shouldn't 
> come from the java, it should be in the template to begin 
> with, or at least defined the global Velocimacro library.  
> that way the code could just be:
> #showNavBar( true)
> anyway, i hope i'm not coming off too argumentative, it's 
> just that these are poor examples of using velocity.  i 
> wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea. :)

As I am a committer on the Roller project - I'm curious to know what a
better way of implementing this would be.  We do want Roller to be a
best-practices examples - so any advice is appreciated!



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nathan Bubna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 2:12 PM
> To: Struts Developers List
> Subject: Re: Velocity vs. JSP: objective tests?
> Craig said:
> ...
> >  For example, here's a simple little loop example in
> > Velocity syntax and a couple approaches in JSP:
> >
> > Velocity:
> > ========
> >
> > (Note -- it's assumed that the Customer collection has been 
> stored in 
> > the VelocityContext by some preceding business logic.)
> actually, if you are using the Velocity/Struts support in the 
> Velocity Tools project, the recommended pattern is to define 
> a set of "tools" in an xml config.  these will then be 
> automatically placed in the template's Context and available 
> for you to "pull" the needed data.  there are other ways of 
> getting objects into the template still, but i don't have 
> time to detail them here.  see the docs concerning the 
> VelocityViewServlet for that.  oh, and Jon Stevens does a 
> good job of explaining the Pull MVC Model here: 
> >   #foreach $result in $results {
> >     <tr>
> >       <td>$result.ID</td>
> >       <td>$result.Name</td>
> >     </tr>
> >   }
> actually, this is syntax is almost completely wrong.  :)
> a more fitting example would be:
> #foreach( $result in $sometool.results )
> <tr>
>     <td>$result.ID</td>
>     <td>$result.Name</td>
> </tr>
> #end
> velocity and it's supporting tools are evolving too. :-)
> ...
> > * Velocity advocates used to argue that using Velocity was safer
> >   because it restricted what a page designer could do to calling
> >   getter methods.  This was never a completely true argument
> >   (how do *you* know that the getter method of the beans you are
> >   calling doesn't mutate something?), but it's been pretty much
> >   eliminated by the fact that you can call arbitrary methods
> >   in Velocity.
> yes, it is possible to design badly even in Velocity, but 
> perhaps we could agree it's at least harder in Velocity to do so.
> ...
> >
> > There was an interesting article on about a project to 
> > implement a simple blogger app that used both Struts and Velocity:
> >
> >
> >
> > I was particularly struck by the following snippet of Velocity code:
> >
> >   $macros.showNavBar(true)
> >
> > which builds part of the UI by rendering the navigation 
> bar.  I don't 
> > know about you, but that looks an awful lot like a scriptlet 
> > equivalent:
> >
> >   <% macros.showNavBar(true); %>
> >
> > to me :-).
> yeah, no offense intended to David Johnson, but that's a 
> really poor way to use Velocity.  it looks as though that 
> method is intended to spit out some HTML hardcoded into 
> whatever $macros is or some such thing.  the HTML shouldn't 
> come from the java, it should be in the template to begin 
> with, or at least defined the global Velocimacro library.  
> that way the code could just be:
> #showNavBar( true)
> anyway, i hope i'm not coming off too argumentative, it's 
> just that these are poor examples of using velocity.  i 
> wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea. :)
> Nathan Bubna
> --
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