On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 14:26:26 -0500
Ed Mullen <e...@edmullen.net> wrote:

> Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

> > sorry to say, but I disagree. Icons should be on by default. I've
> > got lots of favicons with no text. I just look at the icon and I
> > know what is about.
> Interesting.  I have never seen any favicons on my Personal Toolbar, 
> only the default SM icons denoting either a folder or an actual link. 
> Also, my comments /only/ pertain to the PTB icons.  I find them 
> superfluous and space-wasting.  YMMV.

I'm with Peter -- I find the text superfluous and space-wasting, so I
just use the icons.  Tooltip text is available on mouseover, anyway.  I
guess I'd feel differently if like you I had no favicons on the toolbar.

I'd think icons + text makes the most sense as a default.  But I don't
suppose it matters much what the default is, as long as it's

For Firefox, there's a neat extension which gives a lot of
configurability for this stuff.  I use it so that the text is shows for
folders but not for individual bookmarks.  It also has the option to
hide text for bookmarks with favicons but show text for bookmarks
without favicons.  This kind of finer-grained configurability is
something I think of as a SeaMonkey strength, so maybe somebody wants
to see if the extension has anything useful that could be incorporated.

Smart Bookmarks Bar

The third and fourth screenshots are the configuration dialog.  The
"show bookmark names" on mouseover is a horror, since it makes
everything on the bar jump to the right to make space for the displayed
text on mouseover.

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