Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
MS Win98se system with SM connected to SMTP server.
I retrieved an email message, selected Reply all, composed my reply
and pressed Send.
The system puts up an Alert box with the message
"An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded not
our customer. Please verify that your email address is correct in your
Mail Preferences and try again"

Several test mail messages to single recipients go out ok.
Powering down the modem for several minutes and a reboot of the Operating system make no difference.
I can not send a Reply All to that message.

As Robert points out, there are incorrect recipient addresses that you are sending to. It is your smtp ISP that is sending you the error/reject message. It is an anti-spam scheme.

Here is my experience:
Prior to about two years ago, smtp ISPs would accept all recipient addresses and send out the entire batch. After the e-mail was sent, the ISP would return to sender those failed/bounced addresses.

Now, my experience is that ISPs verify each recipient address in the sending queue BEFORE the smtp ISP server will accept/send out the batch. For one thing, it extends the waiting time between when the send button is clicked and the time the "your mail has been sent" message comes on. As was pointed out and as I understand it, the reason for this pre-acceptance validation is to cut down on spam. If any address is invalid, the message is not sent to any recipient.

One of my ISPs is a rascal --it simply sends back a message similar to the one you posted. It does not identify the bad address. In fact, if I have several bad addresses in a batch, the ISP halts on the first one. When I am clever enough to find it and resend, it will halt on the next one, etc.

My other ISP actually identifies the invalid address so it is easy to repair or delete it.

In either case, it is probably intended to discourage legitimate users from sending out large count multi recipient messages, and to throw a log jam in the spammers stream when the spammers use unvetted lists.

What I have had to do to overcome this verification filtering when I encounter a rejection, is to send to a limited number of recipients going down the list ten at a time, until I hit the snag, and then send one by one in that segment until I find the invalid address. Then I send out the balance of the batch hoping that the one bad address was the only one.

At least for me, for a while, my e-mail list has been cleaned up.
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