Daniel wrote:

One wonders what would have happened if you had mugged your email address, Rostyslaw? The distant mail server would have replied with it's error message, which could not be sent anywhere, which would have generated an error message........

The Internet fills up with error messages not being sent anywhere!!


if you get a popup message telling you there is a problem with an email address, then that message is coming from SM, and you have to hunt and find which one is an error. It could be something like dan#whatever,com. Notice the errors in it. If you munged your return address, then you'll still see this message, as its coming from SM.

If you sent a message, and a few days later you get a message saying that one of the address has problem, then it might tell you which one. That message is coming from from your email provider. If you had munged your return address, then you won't see any message, as it would go into smtp limbo, and actually show up in the smtp logs as an error.

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

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