Geoff Welsh wrote:
Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:

create a test profile and see if the problem continues in that.  Does it?

I can't create a test profile. SM doesn't function. There are no menu bar items. (see pic again.)

what do you mean you can't create a test profile? What does the current problem have to do with you not creating a test profile? End SM. I don't know how mac works, but there should be a way to end it. If you were using windows, then you can end it with the task manager [thats ctrl+alt+del]. Mac should have something similar. Then look in the program folder [thats the folder that has a bunch of icons, and it was created when you installed SM]. Inside it is something called Profile Manager. Start that. From there, you will be able to create a test profile. Sorry I can't help you further, cause you're using a mac. If you were using windows, then thats another story. Someone who knows mac will be able to help you from what I've said.

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

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