Roger Fink wrote:
RF wrote:
Hiya SeaMonkies :-)

I have used TBird for many years and in that time for numerous
reasons I had to transfer the user data to the new installation and
it was the ultimate pain.

Now I am looking for something that is far less bloated, and still
secure and simple. Simple enough to be able to transfer all the user
data to a new installation of the program in less than about an hour.

I'm told it is a combination of a browser and email reader. One thing
I absolutely require is emails in my computer - not on the ISPs
websites with all of their crap ads.


If you are the kind of user who gets into irreversible trouble with a
dedicated email application (and you've answered that question in your posts
on the Tbird board), IMO you really don't want to install a single program
that functions as three different applications, because getting into trouble
with a multi-purpose application means uninstalling everything, at least in
the absence of being able to fix it.

Although I am a big fan of Seamonkey in its present versions, I second Roger's answer to you.

Being able to fix minor problems - and you will get lots of help here - is critical. Believe me, transferring TB from one machine to the other is very simple, provided you take the time to gather information and carefully use it.

Transferring Seamonkey data to another machine requires basically the same steps, so if you think Seamonkey will solve the problems you encountered, think again.

The strong point of SM is combining a browser and an email program into one, as Netscape and Mozilla Suite did. Some prefer this approach, some don't.

The latest version of SM (1.1.16) is for me ideal: it combines the ease of use of TB and the (relative) simplicity of FF2 which I prefer by fare to FF3's.

But Roger's point remains: whatever your beef against TB, moving to SM will not make eliminate its source.

This being said, welcome to the club if you decide to join!
John Doue
support-seamonkey mailing list

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