On 7/16/2009 1:28 PM, Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
>   David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 7/15/2009 9:59 PM, Ant wrote:
>>> On 7/15/2009 8:38 AM PT, David E. Ross typed:
>>>>>> I noticed lately Gizmodo's Web pages are rendering slowly and hogging
>>>>>> Web browser's CPU and memory badly.
>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>> http://gizmodo.com/5313690/why-you-cant-complain-about-the-price-of-todays-gadgets
>>>>>> Is anyone else having this problem? If so, then what's going on? Thank
>>>>>> you in advance. :)
>>>>> on FF / XP-SP2 that URL is a crapper... there is a script
>>>>> running that refuses to be killed, so I closed FF, disabled JavaScript
>>>>> and re-opened the URL.... it works properly that way for me.
>>>>> Try disabling JS, see what happens your end!
>>>>> reg
>>>> I've seen Web pages with scripts that, when rendering of the page is
>>>> done, a script then downloads additional scripts from a server.
>>>> Sometimes it seems that one of the addtional scripts then downloads even
>>>> more scripts.  Since I have a dial-up Internet connection, this really
>>>> slows things down.
>>>> The Web site for the Vanguard Group (mutual funds) is one such site.  I
>>>> generally disable JavaScript when viewing pages at that site.  However,
>>>> I must enable JavaScript for certain pages to complete transactions or
>>>> view account statements.
>>> Did you ever e-mail the Web team over there? If so, then any luck? :(
>> There is also a problem with viewing parts of the Vanguard site with
>> SeaMonkey, caused by sniffing for "Firefox" and not "Gecko".  See bug
>> #417955 at<https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=417955>.
>> I sent E-mail to the Web team, I called them on the phone, and I sent a
>> postal letter to the CEO.  They claim that the security of their Web
>> site requires that they test the site for any browser they allow to view
>> it.  (After all, Vanguard is one of the two largest mutual fund groups
>> in the U.S.)  They tested the site for Firefox but not for SeaMonkey.
>> They don't agree that "Gecko is Gecko".  As for the delays caused by the
>> use of scripts that download more scripts, their response was that I
>> should use broadband service instead of dial-up.
>> As for the sniffing for "Firefox", I ran into the same problem with my
>> bank and my credit union.  I "solved" the problem by creating a special
>> SeaMonkey profile where I am permanently spoofing Firefox.  (The UA
>> string ends with "SeaMonkey/1.1.17 NOT Firefox/".)  To make
>> these sites work, I also had to set my preferences to accept all cookies
>> and all popups.  I am careful not to browse any other sites from that
>> profile.
> David, I think it may be a little-more complicated than simply sniffing 
> the Firefox vs SeaMonkey UA.
> I don't have a Vanguard account, so that may be a factor for me...
> I don't spoof-UA ever, but using the nightly-Linux-64bit build over 
> broadband ~
> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.2a1pre) Gecko/20090716 
> Lightning/1.0pre SeaMonkey/2.1a1pre ID:20090716013332
>   on your UA/Flash test-URL at
> <https://personal.vanguard.com/us/VanguardViewsArticlePublic?ArticleJSP=/freshness/News_and_Views/news_ALL_mmyields_01262009_ALL.jsp&src=NMC&returnLink=/freshness/News_and_Views/news_ALL_mmyields_01262009_ALL.jsp
> <https://personal.vanguard.com/us/VanguardViewsArticlePublic?ArticleJSP=/freshness/News_and_Views/news_ALL_mmyields_01262009_ALL.jsp&src=NMC&returnLink=/freshness/News_and_Views/news_ALL_mmyields_01262009_ALL.jsp>>
> I got this :-
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/22198...@n03/3727717220/sizes/l/
> Which I think, renders the page OK? What do you think? Barry.

Sniffing problems do not afflict all Vanguard pages.  They definitely
afflict getting my IRS 1099 forms (dividends, interest, etc).  Of
course, this is where security is important, protecting my personal
financial information.

On the other hand, the News pages are severely affected by scripts
downloading additional scripts.  I can't view the pages unless I allow
this to happen.  It's damned annoying to be reading a news item and
suddenly have the whole page blank out and then reload because a script
downloaded another script that finally started executing, especially if
none of the scripts contribute anything to the content of the page I'm
reading (other than JavaScript links to other pages).

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at <http://www.mozdev.org/> for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.
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