Thank you Michael.  I think you are right.

Next time my SIL comes over I will get him to look at all the info. and see if he can do anything about it. Lesson learned is not to rely on email programs to store information I want to keep.

Thanks too the other chaps who offered advice.


p.s. -Is there anything I can do to get rid of the constant pop-up asking to 'compact now' other than letting it do it automatically without asking me (Thunderbird does the same thing)?

On 12/30/2012 1:52 PM, Michael Gordon wrote:
From following all these threads it is beginning to look like SM created a new default profile for you. It may be possible when you clicked on "restart with adons disabled", SM detected an error in your previous profile and then created an new one. That is ok, if you closed SM, it should start again using the new default profile.

All may not be lost, you can import your mail accounts into the default profile, or you can create a totally new profile, with a unique name to the profile, and then import your e-mail accounts from an older profile, import your bookmarks, and your address book contacts.

The link below may help to explain what may have happened:

Michael G

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