Phillipa here - the guilty party in this problem

What I had done was to go through all the menus looking for options to get rid of the annoying "compact" or "compact now" , and finally at 'Help' saw >>'Restart with add-ons disabled'.

This was the one I clicked on and lost everything, including the local folders I had created, except the address book. The program looked exactly as it looked when first downloaded and opened - as you say, new blank profile.

As it was a few months ago I probably had to redo the email settings for my service provider (at least I had those written down).

I just tried looking for alternative profiles, but the only shown is 'default'.

>>in your SeaMonkey, next have a look at what settings you have at View->Messages->All and View->Threads->All. Does this show your missing e-mail??

Unfortunately both those options in the 'view' menu are blanked out (I should say that this computer has XP. I bought it - after working in Parallels on Jean-Pierre's Mac - for using an older program which only works on Windows 32 bit ) .

I have also checked through both the Inbox and all the local folders I have created, and there are no extra or hidden sub-folders (there were some on the lost version which did not seem to disappear completely when I deliberately deleted a local folder)

phillipa - a not so tech-savvy user

On 12/30/2012 7:21 AM, Daniel wrote:
MCBastos wrote:
jean-pierre bessette wrote:

When I clicked on yes, the program reverted to a new installation, and I lost all emails, including all those that I had saved for the previous 6 months since I had bought this computer. Unfortunately I could not find
a way to reverse what I had just done.

Uh, when you say it "reverted to a new installation," do you mean it
lost ALL your configurations, including the settings for your e-mail
accounts and such?

If so, it just may be that, for some reason, Seamonkey has created a new
(blank) profile and switched to using it instead of the profile you were
using previously. In that case, your mail store files should be still
available in your old profile.


Yeap, MCBastos, I was thinking along this line just after I posted my last reply!! ;-)

Jean-Pierre, in SeaMonkey have a look at Tools->Switch Profiles. Do you see more profiles than you expected to see??

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