Iceman wrote:
On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 15:58:26 -0500, jean-pierre bessette wrote in message

Back in August when the program started constantly asking me if I wanted
to 'COMPACT NOW?',  I  finally clicked OK to whatever the message was in
the hope that it would stop asking me the question.

Instead it seemed to compact almost constantly, causing a 'fluttering'
of the script on my emails and making them almost unreadable.  So I
looked for a way to reverse what I had done and made a bit mistake.  As
I searched through the '\help' options I came across one that offered "
Restart with add-ons disabled"

When I clicked on yes, the program reverted to a new installation, and I
lost all emails, including all those that I had saved for the previous 6
months since I had bought this computer.  Unfortunately I could not find
a way to reverse what I had just done.
I have just switched over to Thunderbird, and all the current email
lists have imported completely.

Does anyone have any idea how I might retrieve those lost emails in Sea
Monkey - personal ones with photos are the ones I would like to retrieve
- or are they gone completely?

SeaMonkey stores its e-mail messages in .msf files. You can do a search for
those and open them with Notepad.

However, I think it's unlikely that attachments such as photos are still
there, if you hadn't saved them separately.

Things may have changed over the past few years, but all Mozilla mail accounts have saved the incoming messages in a file called "inbox", and a data sorted file called "inbox.msf". The .msf file is just a data record of all the files in the "inbox", it sort the messages to your preferences, and displays them in your user interface device.

Since .msf is just a data record, and not the messages themselves we can play a little with .msf. This process is not dangerous to your saved messages, but it requires you to pay close attention to the file names. extensions, and accounts created for mail.

When you create an e-mail account in SM the program will create a few default subfolders for you, one of these is "Inbox". Each separate mail account will have these created for you. For this discussion we will assume you have two or more mail accounts, each with a different name and configured to save your messages within each mail account (not in "Locale Folders). The first account in the list we will call account 1.

In account 1 you will have a sub folder "Inbox". Inside Inbox you will have several more folders and files; the two we are interested in are: inbox, and inbox.msf. Do not touch "inbox". Click on inbox.msf and rename it to inbox-1.msf. (The renaming of the .msf file will force SM to rebuild the data file from records stored in "inbox". We have created a safety feature for you. In the event something gets really screwed up you can then rename inbox-1.msf back to inbox.msf and your changes will be restored as previous to this editing.)

All changes to your profile files and contents need to be made with SM completely closed, and using a text editor like; NotePad, WordPad, or TextPad.

Once you have completed the renaming task you can re-start SM and check the messages in Account 1 under its Inbox.

If you are wondering where your accounts profile for SM is located, you can find its location in Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings, click on Server Settings for account 1 and look at the bottom for "Local Directory".

Michael G

Armadillo Web Development

Cell: 903.244.3644

Opening your Door to Opportunity
and inviting the world to walk through.

Character is doing the right thing...
Even when no one is watching...

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