opennets are only bad in certain circumstances. The USA is not yet one
of them. With a darknet, it may be harder to get into the network, but
once your in it's a LOT easier to identify who is sharing and
inserting what files. So it could be argued that a darknet is much
riskier than an opennet. In a darknet, everyone else pretty much knows
who you are. As soon as one computer on the net gets compromised or
one person decides they don't like what you're doing, you're all
pretty much screwed. I mean, I'm no expert on darknets, but it seems
that if you only have 5 or 10 connections, and you always have the
same connections, and you have IRC logs swapping node refs and, better
yet, the actual node would be pretty easy to figure out what
nodes host what files. In an opennet, this kind of thing is expected
and protected against.

On 8/24/06, Juiceman <juiceman69 at> wrote:
> On 8/24/06, diddler4u at <diddler4u at> wrote:
> > So by running 0.7 in default mode I'm running in darknet? Or is there
> > another piece of the freenet puzzle I need to discover?
> >
> >
> It is a "darknet" because unless you give out your ref to someone
> (like currently on IRC but that will change when 0.7 becomes large
> enough for users to know friends using 0.7), it almost impractical to
> tell you are even running Freenet.  The "open-net" is promiscuous and
> is easily mapped.  See
> They can have your IP address and with an ignorant judge, the RIAA
> MPAA etc can serve you a lawsuit for copyright violations (regardless
> of whether or not you are infringing.)  All they have to do is
> convince a technologically ignorant judge that Freenet is like the old
> Napster or similar program and they traced "copyrighted material"
> coming off your IP address.  You are now hiring a lawyer to get the
> case dismissed.  That is a plausible reason to use a darknet instead
> of an open-net here in the "free" West.  Now imagine running the
> program can get you thrown in jail for "subversive information
> spreading" in some Eastern country and they can collect the info just
> as quickly with an open-net...  A darknet would slow them down
> immensely.
> Now you see why open-nets are bad in the long run?
> --
> I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
> death, your right to say it. - Voltaire
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