Hi Phil,

On 28 June 2013 22:05, Philip Durbin <philip_dur...@harvard.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Philip Durbin
> <philip_dur...@harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Before the jar gets published, I believe I may have found a bug here:
>> https://github.com/swordapp/JavaServer2.0/blob/31e625ac97be13f794e1b98512f8d1c48d751652/src/main/java/org/swordapp/server/SwordAPIEndpoint.java#L435
>> When I use the following command...
>> curl --insecure -s -H "X-On-Behalf-Of: obo" --http1.0 --data-binary
>> "@example.zip" -H "Content-Disposition: filename=example.zip" -H
>> "Content-Type: application/zip"
>> https://sword:sword@localhost:8181/swordpoc/collection/a4f21cdc-f20c-4c82-b63e-5df81f809417
>> ... my "example.zip" file gets uploaded as "xample.zip" (i.e. the
>> first character is removed). I can easily reproduce this in Vagrant
>> with https://github.com/dvn/swordpoc if you'd like more detail.
> FYI, this bug has been confirmed by Bill McKinney who has submitted a
> pull request called "enhanced content disposition handling":
> https://github.com/swordapp/JavaServer2.0/pull/2

Great, thanks; I've not incorporated it yet purely due to lack of time
to look at sword for a month or so.  I did bump into Bill at OR13 in
Canada, which was great, and he did prod me about it on your behalf :)
 I will get this onto my todo list, though, thanks for submitting it!



> For my part, I'm moved my proof of concept code into an experimental
> branch in our app itself: https://github.com/IQSS/dvn/commit/4838565
> I can keep https://github.com/dvn/swordpoc around for anyone who wants
> to see the library exercised a bit with some working code.
> Phil
> --
> Philip Durbin
> Software Developer for http://thedata.org
> http://www.iq.harvard.edu/people/philip-durbin


Richard Jones,

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