On 14 July 2015 19:57:30 GMT+01:00, jonat...@bigfatfrog67.me wrote:
>Linguistically I would say proposed comes before planned.  Planning
>your wedding is not the same as proposing marriage!  


>Personally I don't think we should routinely display proposed routes,
>because they may never come to reality, but planned routes are ones
>that have passed the usual planning discussions and are awaiting
>construction, which can sometimes be many months or years, but will
>happen, short of a political change of heart.

I think there's a fairly objective criteria that can be used to distinguish 
'planed' from 'proposed' : if the financing has been completed (money has been 
set aside in the budgets and will not be used for something else), then it fits 
the osm definition of planned.

There was some amount of tagging for the renderer shortly after the railway 
rendering changes, but it didn't last long (that i could see) and we now have 
better, more finegrained data. The same would hopefully happen with 
planned/proposed, especially with a clear criteria and less historical 
Vincent Dp

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