Nate je viens juste de publier les résultats pour Kingston. Un ratio de 66% de 
polygones avec formes irrégulières. A voir si la simplification éliminerait les 
noeuds qui ont pour effet de créer des formes irrégulières. 

Je n'ai pas encore regardé de près les résultats. Cependant, m on expérience en 
République démocratique du Congo depuis l'an dernier, Kisenso et récemment 
Butembo, a montré qu'a partir de ces diagostics, la validation / correction si 
nécessaire des polygones permettait de réduire fortement les ratios, et ce sous 
les 3% des bâtiments.
Je pense aussi qu'il faut prendre le temps de corriger les données qui risque 
de ne pas être modifiées par la suite. 


    Le samedi 26 janvier 2019 21 h 06 min 39 s HNE, Nate Wessel 
<> a écrit :  
It does seem that someone will need to properly simplify the data since you 
don't seem willing to do the necessary work. I've already offered to help, but 
I can't do it today, or tomorrow for that matter. My suggestion, again, is that 
we slow down and take the time to do this right. Rushing ahead can only lead to 
hurt feelings, angry emails, and extra work for everyone. Given how much 
editing goes on in the areas I know, many of these imported buildings might not 
be touched again for another decade - can't we make them right the first time?
I think Pierre is on the right track here with his thoughtful analysis of the 
buildings that have been imported so far - this is the kind of stuff that I'm 
talking about when I say we need some validation. Some questions that I'd like 
to see answered (Pierre, when you have some more time!): just how many 
buildings imported so far are not orthogonal, but seem like they should be? 
What percentage of buildings would benefit from simplification, and is the 
problem worse/better in some areas compared to others?
I actually don't think the problem is technically difficult to solve - we just 
have to understand the nature and extent off the problem before we rush to 
solutions. That's the point of validation - understanding what the problems are.
 Nate Wessel
 Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning 
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