On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 06:43:31PM -0400, Dale Puch wrote:
> Personally, I like to treat most sidewalks that are close to and basically
> parallel the same as attached ones.  IE. both of Martijn's examples tagged
> as part of the roadway way.  I would save the separate footpath highways
> for when it isn't a typical sidewalk.

I've seen in the wiki where one can add 'sidewalk=right|left|both|none' to a 
highway.  I don't know if routing software looks at that or not.  If so, one 
could attach that to roadways where the sidewalks are next to it and then 
manually map sidewalks as footways if they diverge from the roadway.  Just a 
thought.  I've mapped sidewalks both ways so I'm not sure which way is the 
correct way.


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