Hello Brenda. I personally like using the laptop layout because I feel like I get the best of both worlds this way. I can still use the standard number pad hot keys to drive Jaws while having access to both the caps lock key as my Jaws key and a whole set of hot keys which don't require me to remove my fingers from the home row if I don't want to. For example, while using the laptop layout, I can hold down the caps lock key and press U, I, or O for prior, current, and next line, J, K, and L for prior, current, and next word. I can do a whole lot more but this is just one small example. Even though I use the laptop keyboard layout, I still have access to the Insert key from the number pda, I.E. the 0 key. I can do all the same functions from there as well. So, yes, like I said, best of both worlds.

I hope this helps.

Raul A. Gallegos
Assistive Technology Trainer - RGA Tech Solutions
Voice and Text: 832.554.7285
Office: 832.639.4477
Personal Email: r...@raulgallegos.com
Work Email: train...@rgats.com
Twitter: @rga7285 and @RGATrainer

“Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be.” - David Thornburg

On 5/25/2017 12:32 PM, Brenda via Talk wrote:
I may have missed the initial message or got confused with the various replies.

In order to use caps lock as the Jaws key do you have to turn laptop mode on?

Once laptop mode is on, can you still use the insert as the Jaws key and the numpad for navigation?

If true, it seems like laptop mode is more versitile than desktop mode.

If not, what do I have to do to have the caps lock and insert key both funcgtion as the Jaws key?


On 5/25/2017 12:56 PM, Raul A. Gallegos via Talk wrote:
Hi, I'm glad you are liking the caps lock usage. To toggle its state, all you need to do is press it twice quickly.

I hope that helps.

Raul A. Gallegos
Assistive Technology Trainer - RGA Tech Solutions
Voice and Text: 832.554.7285
Office: 832.639.4477
Personal Email: r...@raulgallegos.com
Work Email: train...@rgats.com
Twitter: @rga7285 and @RGATrainer

“Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be.” - David Thornburg

On 5/24/2017 2:26 PM, Carol and Roger wrote:
Hi Raul,

I am getting along fairly well with the cap-lock key as my default Jaws key now. I do have one question Is it possible to turn on caps-lock? Before, it always said Caps-Lock on or off. Now, it says nothing when I press it and my letters do not speak with a higher pitch. Fortunately, I don't type a lot that requires all caps, but I am not sure why it is no longer working.

This is really strange! I went out of my email and when I alt-tabbed, or at least that was what I meant to do, I hit the alt-Caps-Lock combo accidently instead. Guess what! Alt-Caps-Lock sets and says the state of the Caps-Lock. Go figure! So, is it supposed to be alt-Caps-Lock, or is it supposed to be the Caps-Lock? Pressing the Caps-Lock key now works just like the insert key used to. I believe someone indicated there were times I should press it twice, but I don't remember why. I just hope the setting stays whenever it is necessary to restart Jaws, since I don't know how it got this way. I like it like this.

Take care,


On 5/23/2017 8:53 PM, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
Hi, if using the laptop layout, you can activate the Jaws window by pressing Control Shift Caps lock J. So, basically, it's the 3 keys along the left side of the keyboard with the letter J. It really works. Personally I run Jaws in the notification area so it's out of the alt-tab order.

Raul A. Gallegos
Assistive Technology Trainer - RGA Tech Solutions
Voice and Text: 832.554.7285
Office: 832.639.4477
Personal Email: r...@raulgallegos.com
Work Email: train...@rgats.com
Twitter: @rga7285 and @RGATrainer

“Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be.” - David Thornburg

On 5/23/2017 10:26 AM, Carol and Roger via Talk wrote:
I would like to suggest, based on my own experience, if switching a desktop keyboard setting to laptop setting, it might be worthhwhile to make sure Jaws is in the alt-tab setting. Trying to use the capslock key to get into the Jaws setting was very tempramental for me. It only worked on a very few occasions and I did try many times to use it. I am certain there was some operator error, but even I can't have messed up that badly, LOL!

Carol, happily using my insert key!

On 5/23/2017 10:39 AM, Ed Culpepper via Talk wrote:
I have not tried the laptop layout. I will check out that possibility. I have not loaded Jaws on my laptop yet, but I certainly will be doing so. I can anticipate that using the same keyboard layout on both my desktop and laptop could be advantageous. Using the same keystrokes regardless of which computer I am using seems more simple and efficient.
Thanks for the suggestion and link.
Ed Culpepper
J. Edward Culpepper
Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Check out my weekly devotional blog, Blind Faith, at:
<http://www.blindfaith.fbchsv2.org/> http://www.blindfaith.fbchsv2.org
From: Joseph Norton [mailto:joseph.nor...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 11:04 PM
To: Ed Culpepper; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: RE: Alternative for Insert as Awkward Jaws Modifier Key?
Have you tried the laptop layout?
Here is a link to a set of mp3 files describing it. This is also available in a DAISY book through FS Reader. Here is the link; ftp://ftp.freedomscientific.com/users/hj/private/WebFiles/JAWS/LaptopKeysWithJAWS.zip
Hope this helps.
Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
From: Ed Culpepper via Talk <mailto:talk@lists.window-eyes.com>
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 5:28 PM
To: 'Window-Eyes Discussion List' <mailto:talk@lists.window-eyes.com>
Subject: Alternative for Insert as Awkward Jaws Modifier Key?
Greeting WE Migrants -
I am learning Jaws navigational keystrokes as I migrate from beloved WE to Jaws. Using the insert key as a primary Jaws modifier key is very awkward for me. On my keyboard the insert key is the top left key on the so-called "6-pack" of keys located just above the arrow keys. The Jaws command to begin "Say All" (like WE "Read to End") is Insert-down arrow. That requires an awkward contortion of my right hand or an inconvenient reach with my left hand for the insert key as I press the down arrow with my right hand. Other navigational commands use the insert key as the modifier with keys that are usually typed with fingers on the right hand. I am finding these keystroke
combinations to be frustrating.
Obviously Jaws users have been using this illogical keystroke combination for years. I must be missing something about how to do so efficiently. I have read about altering navigational keystrokes in Jaws, but I don't want to have to redesign the whole set of them. Bottom line is that I have a
couple of questions:
1. Is there some alternative to the insert key as a primary modifier key for navigational keystrokes in Jaws? The WE Control-Alt combination with a single letter key was much more ergonomically efficient. To longtime Jaws users: I am looking to you for help or encouragement for the insert key
awkwardness - any help?
2. Can I reprogram my computer or Windows 10 to recognize some key of my choosing to function as an additional insert key? For example, could I sacrifice the Control key on the left side of my keyboard to become an insert key to use as a modifier with keys typically typed with my right
I hope that I am not obsessing over what turns out with experience
manipulating Jaws to be simply a curious quirk for a new user. Any help will
be appreciated.
Many thanks -
Ed Culpepper
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