Hi Thomas Fernandez,

On Montag, 25. Oktober 1999 at 3:42:23 you wrote:

OS>> Well,  I wrote about that also, and I still can't see, why that should
OS>> be  a  feature in any way. But it's very easy to resolve. It should be
OS>> an  option to select whether to use one or two newlines as a paragraph
OS>> separation.

TF> What Marck quite rightly said at that time is that a CR is a CR; in
TF> ASCII, there is no distinction between hard and soft CR. This shut me
TF> up, because you need another indicator, flag or whatever to tell a-f
TF> when it should wrap the next line into the character and when not.

If I type a newline, I want a newline. I wont ever type a newline if I
don't want one, why should I?

OS>> What  I  have  noticed  as  well is that even if I type something just
OS>> _before_  a paragraph, the first line of the paragraph is reformatted.
OS>> I  do  really  expect  the editor to leave the lines _behind_ what I'm
OS>> typing  intact  in  any  case.  If  I really want some paragraph to be
OS>> completely reformatted, I'd happily tell the editor to do so manually.

TF> If you have "automformat off" you can tell it manually. "Autoformat
TF> on" means you want the editor you behave just the way it does. ;-)

That's  not  true.  If  autoformat is off, the editor still formats my
paragraph  as,  e.g.,  a  justified  block. It just doesn't do so if I
insert  some text somewhere in the paragraph. If autoformat is on, the
editor  does  _always_  reformat  what  I write, which is very nice. I
would  just  like  it  very much if it didn't kill the little parts of
formatting (the newlines) I inserted myself. I don't really think it's
so  difficult.  Just look at what Word does: it formats all paragraphs
as  justified  block if I want that, but it doesn't kill any newlines,
which are taken as paragraph separators, of course.

Oliver Sturm

Oliver Sturm / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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