
> >The one thing I miss in Voyager is the chance to associate it to the mailto: 
> >protocol. I tried every hack I am capable of in the Windows registry but 
> >still I can't get mailto: urls to open in Voyager. I still guess it must be 
> >possible somehow. I searched around, I asked here twice (still asking) but 
> >nobody came out with a solution so far.
> The problem comes because voyager is portable and doesn't make registry 
> entries
> The keys you could BACKUP and then play with are
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Clients\Mail\The Bat! Simple MAPI 
> 64-bit
> and / or
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Clients\Mail\The Bat! Simple MAPI 
> 32-bit

I think I tried that too, once, but I did't know what to insert in those keys.
Maybe I should try and install The Bat, then substitute the path to TB
executable with the path to Voyager? I'm a little reluctant to do that. 

Would you be so kind to export that registry key on your machine in a .reg
file then paste here the content? Maybe I could try to adapt it. 

Anyway, I think a little external application would come handy for Voyager
users, to build the right associations in the registry, if Ritlabs would like
do it.

Luca - e-mail: p.stevens at libero.it

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