Hallo Anne,

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 01:55:24 +0100GMT (23-10-02, 2:55 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

A> Where I have a problem is where the listowner has not opted to have
A> replies go back to the list by default (this is entirely the
A> listowners choice). In this case I have to use the reply all option to
A> have the list address in the reply to fields at all,

Providing you filter each list into it's own folder, you could create
a specific reply-template for each of those folders. In each
reply-template you set the list-address hard-coded in the template.
This would mean that all replies you make in such a specific folder
will go to the matching list. Since you keep only list-messages in
those folders this is without danger that you reply to a non list
(This can be done with something like:
%To=""%To="""%OFromName on list"" <listaddress>"%-
the first %to is to make the addressfield empty, the %- is to put the
command on it's own line in the template, without creating an empty

After doing this, you'd come to think that this a neat way to direct
your new list messages to their list too, but that is not without any
danger. TB sees the selected folder and uses that template, that would
be as you'd like, but it'll do that too when you click on a mailto
link in your browser or when you think you're writing a very private
message while you've selected the list. Don't say it won't happen to
you, since it's happened to quite lot already. The only reason it
hasn't happen to me (I certainly work sloppy enough for it.) is that
I've never created new message templates with a hard-coded address.

Groetjes, Roelof

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