Hello Michael,

On Sunday, February 2, 2003 at 1:38:05 PM you [MD] wrote (at least in

MD> The Bat! does not seem to handle MIME messages well.


MD> Everything comes through as an attachment.

No. MIME parts of e.g. type "text/html" are not attachments.
Don't get confused only because the attachment panel is shown, it's
just The Bat!'s way giving you access to that part of the mail.
The Bat! does simply not mix different part of the mail when viewing
it, that's all.

MD> Based on this, my conclusion is that The Bat! is not a MIME
MD> reader.

Please define "MIME reader". I'm technical educated because of my job
and have read a lot of white papers, specs, RFCs and so on, but I
really don't know what a "MIME reader" could be.

MD> If that is correct, does anyone know if there are plans afoot to make
MD> The Bat! MIME compatible?

The Bat! _IS_ MIME compatible. It handles both attaching files using
MIME and extracting them from incoming messages.
What's you _concrete_ problem?
Peter Palmreuther
(The Bat! v1.63 Beta/5 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1)

We'll kill you before you kill each other - Violent Pacification

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