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Hello Edgar,

On Tue, 23 Dec 2003 09:51:04 +0100 your time, you said:

E> Although  the  help here in this group is great, It should not need
E> to exist.

Hmmm, well I think that is a romantic notion myself. So these types of
support  systems  [this  list and others] exist because of the lack of
good help files with software? I really don't think so :-/ Just take a
look around the Net @ other support forums/lists and ponder a while on
some  of the dumb-arsed questions that people ask! You could construct
the  best  help  file  system  on  the planet and release it with your
software  and people will still defeat it by not 'reading the bleeping
manual' and not being able to understand the terminology used, etc. In
actual  fact, many of the questions asked on this list could easily be
answered by reading the existing support files.

E> There  should be a good help system.

Well  yes, actually I would agree with this, and have made my feelings
known about this subject in the past. Personally, I think RIT Labs are
doing The Bat! a disservice by releasing their client with the current
help  system;  although  there  is  easily  enough  information in the
current  help  file  system to get most people up and running it still
needs  revamping  and  made  more comprehensive. So IMHO The Bat! does
_need__  a  better  designed and more up-to-date help system, I agree.
But   I   can   think   of  many  excellent  programs  with  the  same
shortcomings...not  that that justifies it of course. However, I don't
believe  for  a  moment that a better help file system would make this
list  redundant. Not a chance of it! This list is invaluable, and will
continue  to  be  so even after/IF RIT get their act together and redo
the manual.

E> Companies  do  not  have  the time to read loads of mailing list to
E> find out how the e-mail client works.

Companies do not have to read "loads" of mailing lists to find out how
The  Bat! email client works. That is misleading. There is a help file
with  TB! and there is this list. Not exactly stretching resources now
is it? :-/

I've  shown many, many people how to use The Bat! in under 20 minutes.
Some  of those have been new to computers and some have been veterans.
If someone in an company IT dept. really can't work out how to use TB!
then  they  probably need to get some other less demanding job...maybe
basket making or something.

E> Being a bit more "mainstream" will at least help.

No  at  all.  Having  better help files would help a little, but those
without  prior experience, the lazy, and those in need of more complex
help will turn to a list like this one, as has always been the way.

And  yes,  I  can  understand people's criticisms, and of course it is
only  right  that  criticisms  should be made, but it irks me somewhat
when   remarks   go   beyond   fair   criticism   and   become  unfair
put-downs...that  strikes  me as being somewhat immature (not directed
at you of course).

I  think  if  you  dislike a product so intensely you should really be
seeking out something else more suited to your needs. There are plenty
of  flavours  of email client about, although they won't offer you the
same excellent range of features that this client can.

As  I  said, TB! has faults but people on this list usually attempt to
work around them until the faults have been rectified.

- --

 Simon @ i~n+f~o+w~i+z~a+r~d+.~c+o~.+u~k

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