Hello Edgar,

Tuesday, December 23, 2003, 4:51:04 AM, you wrote:
> Although the help here in this group is great, It should not need
> to exist. There should be a good help system. Companies do not
> have the time to read loads of mailing list to find out how the
> e-mail client works.

Unfortunately, most of the best software I've seen on the market lacks
good documentation(especially if it's a small software company).

In our company, I develop the software and do the preliminary testing,
and my colleague does a more thorough testing and the documentation,
as well as tech support. So as you can see he knows what to put in the
documentation and how to write so our clients don't have difficulty
reading it. Yet, we still have clients that call us to ask questions on
how a feature works.  And, when we ask them if they read the help
file, the answer is that they never did.

And, I think this is the reason why some software companies don't
bother that much with writing a good help file.  But, at the same
time, if you don't have a good documentation, you might lose sales.

If RITlabs doesn't have a person that writes the documentation and
even do some testing at the same time, then it might be beneficial to
think about it.

This is just my 2 cents.

Best regards,
 Daniel Rail
 Senior Software Developer
 ACCRA Group Inc. (www.accra.ca)
 ACCRA Med Software Inc. (www.filopto.com)

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