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Hello rich,

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 18:29:19 -0500 your time, you said:

rg> Again, both are quite unprofessional.

What  a  load of nonsensical claptrap! I've read some comments on this
list  over  the  years but my word, these last few remarks really take
the  biscuit. There is nothing 'unprofessional' about the way The Bat!
editor  functions,  and I must say it is a very discouraging choice of

There  are distinctive ways of doing things in TB! but those ways work
well  once you have adapted to them. There is plenty of help available
on  this  list  to  assist  new users in moving to The Bat! from other
email  clients,  and  the  people offering advice obviously appreciate
that it can take a while to complete the transition, and come to terms
with the new environment. But you have to at the least appreciate that
_every_  email client has it's unique points, and TB! is no exception.
If you want really decide that you want TB! to be another email client
then switch to that.

The  benefit  of  using  an excellent client like TB! is that it ISN'T
always  completely 'mainstream', and so it does require users to learn
how  to  use  some  of  it's  many useful features. And TB! is rich in
features,  unlike  other  clients  I won't mention. Although TB! isn't
perfect,  because  nothing  is, it stands head and shoulders above the

I  think  it  is  perfectly  fine  to  discuss  the disadvantages of a
program,  and  talk  about  its  ideal  features,  etc. but it's a bit
unnecessary,   unhelpful,   and   even   disrespectful,   IMO,  to  be
hypercritical  for  the  sake of it. Anyone would think you, and a few
others, were being forced to use TB! rather than using it by choice.

Merry Christmas.

- --

 Simon @ i~n+f~o+w~i+z~a+r~d+.~c+o~.+u~k

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