Hello Andre!

On Wednesday, January 07, 2004, 1:03 PM, you wrote:


m>> There is no "Follow-up" on my View menu.

A> Yes. It used to be called follow-up but was changed some time back. It's
A> now called 'references'.


m>> So I copied the References and put them in the proper place.

A> That worked. Your mail is properly threaded.

Thank you for the feedback. Since Thomas Fernandez is on the other
side of the world, 12 hours ahead of my local time, I think he has
probably long ago gone to bed--it being a school-and-work-night for
him, most probably. :) So I wasn't really expecting any more help on
this until tomorrow--it seems to be such a rare and obscure type of

m>> In the Edit Mail Message window there was no place for ID--because no
m>> ID choice on the View menu. So I have put the Message ID in the Matter
m>> field on this Reply to you.

A> The message-id is created by the bat! It identifies your mail to be used
A> in references headers when people reply to your mail. No need to do
A> anything on your side, least of all put it in the 'matter' header.

All right!! Come to tbudl and be educated! Thank you so very much for
explaining this. :)

m>> And I stuck in the Return Path for good measure.

A> That one should be created by the server. So again: no need for you to
A> do anything.

Again, thank you so very much. This will simplify my posting task
immensely. I will only need to c&p my Reply-quotes, and the To: ,
References: , and Subject: field.

Even if you guys may not have missed reading me, I have missed getting
to Post all my opinions to you enormously!

Belatedly, Happy New Year to you Andre, and to anyone else who may
happen to read this.

Best regards, with great joy,

The Bat! 2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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