Thanks all for your continued feedback

A point I would like to reinforce here, can be a response to Bimlas

I don't really know if it would be useful to make TiddlyWiki as easy as 
> possible. If it would be so easy to handle that a five year old would 
> understand, I'm afraid this community wouldn't be as great as it is now. I 
> think the difficulties that we are trying to solve in this and similar 
> topics provide a natural filter: only people who overcome these obstacles 
> will use Tiddly because they really need Tiddly.

   - I agree that the current audience for tiddlywiki has possibly being 
   refined by selecting for those with the knowledge and experience to both 
   see its potential and make use of it.
   - However I have to disagree here because those with expert skills need 
   a way to provide easy access interactive solutions to the broader audience. 
   Simple use is not mealy a gap for the designers it is a gap for delivery of 
   the results to the public.
   - I am not asking here for the ultimate answer just a minimalist path to 
   user interaction, such as if FireFox is on every OS platform then a firefox 
   solution that is easy to follow would be a sufficient extension to the 
   default save mechanism.

My vision includes the development of focused solution tiddlywikis that 
work when you discover them online, can interact with them immediately and 
make them your own. Local storage allows more than one change to be stored 
in the wiki, it is then possible for the wiki to be downloaded even using 
the default saver, most browsers permit you to set the download location or 
you can copy paste it from the download folder to a documents folder (This 
is standard user practice).

The Wiki can be reopened easily into any browser, but It is the next step 
that we suddenly get the complexity. 
This is when the saver becomes necessary and the Operating System and 
Browser comes into the formulae.

So Consider The Wiki can be reopened easily into another app as well
One avenue I have toyed with is saving tiddlywiki files with the .tw 
extension and installing a local binary, that on open it loads it into a 
"TiddlyDesktop like app" with no additional chrome or wiki selection, just 
that wiki. Of course this solution will need a multi-os install binary. The 
advantage with this is you are not loosing the knowledge it is a tiddlywiki 
file by keeping it as a tw file so it does not just revert to the default 
browser. The wiki then becomes a "document" that the Operating system 
associates with the local binary.

So in the above model  when online we provide an "offline" backup, of 
changes, and the opportunity to download, where it becomes a document with 
a helper app available if you want edit locally and full access to the 
local machine, which typically is what you expect after downloading a 
document, not reverting back into the online browser where security is a 
concern and a barrier to us.


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