I hate it when people answer my questions with an answer like the one I'm
about to give.  But here goes:

Just put all your stories in a single tiddlywiki.  Use tags like
"character" to mark your reference-type tiddlers, and a tag for each story
so you can keep your stories separate, easily see all tiddlers related to
that story.

Don't think of it as "one huge tiddlywiki" like that's a negative thing --
TiddlyWiki is okay with enormous amounts of text.  It includes the word
"tiddly" not in reference to some total size limit, but because the
intention is that the individual content elements are each small.

Otherwise you could start looking into tiddlyspace or something like that,
I think it has "bags" or something that lets you share tiddlers around the
way you want.  But really, you should just trust TiddlyWiki to handle it.

On 16 February 2014 23:13, Anton Aylward <anton.aylw...@antonaylward.com>wrote:

> I'm trying to write a wiki using tiddlywiki for writing stories.
> The sources (and software packages) tell me to create 'card index files'
> for characters, locations.
> Note relevant details, so you can be consistent.
> Easy to do with a wiki, eh?
> Lots of room for forms, templates, cross links and structuring.
> I'm doing all that after some false starts that tried out ideas.
> But one thing I haven't figured out ...
> The stories are a collection of "short stories" involving the same
> characters, same "village".
> For various reasons I don't want to do all the stories in one huge
> tiddlywiki.
> But the same characters and same locations crop up since this is a small
> community and small setting (village).
> I realize I could simply copy a prior tiddlywiki file for a new story,
> delete the storyline but keep the characters etc.
> That seems clunky, especially if I revise any of that 'baseline'.  Having
> to copy back and to the other tiddlywiki files.
> So I'm wondering if there is a way to have a 'master' version and then
> have each subsequent story tiddlywiki have the tiddlers for the characters
> etc to refer back to that, somehow "mount" the master inside each story
> wiki?
> I know this seems strange but I really don't want all the copying back and
> forth to keep things consistent.
> Such seems to defeat the whole purpose of doing this on the computer with
> a wiki.
> --
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Daniel Baird
retro objoke: Chuck Norris had a problem so he decided to use regular
expressions. Now, every problem in the world is solved.

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