I am working on a project that this would work great for and I would love 
to be a 'test' subject.
I have read the documentation and was not exactly sure how to set it up on 
the Google Side.
Also what is the security process for the user and password to keep it from 
being hacked.

Let me know privately or post up the process for setting this up if you are 
interested in more people testing it out.

Really GREAT CONCEPT and awesome job.
Thank you.

Rich Shumaker

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 7:57:47 AM UTC-8, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have been developing (and I'm still working on it) a plugin that allows 
> you to *save individual tiddlers* to Google Drive. There is a lot of 
> things I want to implement, but in its current state it is advanced enough 
> to what I want to propose: *collaborative Tiddlywiki  documentation.*
> This is how I think this can be done (summary): 
>    - You want to contribute, but you don't have any Github or Node 
>    experience
>    - You visit the page of the project 
>    <http://danielo515.github.io/TW5-CommunityDocumentation>, create or 
>    edit a tiddler and click *upload *to the* public repository. 
> <https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-USg0ow4LCZREVYcjJpYzhOcFU&usp=sharing>*
>    - Then *anyone *can check your work and then an administrator can add 
>    to the main wiki page.
>    - You can even download the wiki so you can *make your editions 
>    offline *and upload them later
> The files are uploaded to a *PUBLIC *Google drive folder 
> <https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-USg0ow4LCZREVYcjJpYzhOcFU&usp=sharing>,
> and can be viewed by anyone. Since I have enough space on Google drive 
> there are unlimited tiddler revisions. As I said, this is publicly 
> available for anyone to see, edit or download. The changes are not 
> automatically added to the main page, so this way we can avoid a mess as 
> index page.
> This system can be used to create also a public PLUGINS REPOSITORY, this 
> is another topic but I also have plans to implement that.
> You can check it here:
> danielo515.github.io/TW5-CommunityDocumentation
> I think it is clearly explained on the project page, but if anyone have 
> any doubt they can ask here.
> Talking about the plugin itself, there are a lot of things that I want to 
> implement. If anyone is interested those are:
>    - Create tiddlers by email.
>    - Plugins repository.
>    - Private tiddler store.
>    - Control panel for server.
>    - Save the full wiki html file to the server
>    - 100% Google drive hosting
> What do you think about my proposal? Anyone is welcome to join!!
> Regards

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