Ciao Mark S.

Provided the editor, or the edit section for tables, is mono-spaced I think 
its a better visual solution. Issues might be if you have a very wide table 
("table-mode" a popout to address?).


Mark S. wrote:
> This may be a digression on tables and ascii.
> The problem with drawing ascii tables is there's inevitably a cell which 
> has contents that are too long and that when rendered will fold to a second 
> line. Also drawing pipes "|" is a pain.  But a markup could have a table 
> mode where 
> white space (double spaces, double line entry) are used for delimiters.
> Then you could have:
> .table
> I am the egg    We all live    Imagine all 
> drop man        with a yellow  the tribbles
>                 baboon
> Yesterday, tic  Hey Dude,      Feed the
> tac toe was     don't make     squirrels
>                 a mess
> .endtable
> where it was easy to keep things aligned and still readable as ASCII.
> -- Mark
> On Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 9:39:04 AM UTC-7, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>> Ha! Really interesting issue. Which I'm gonna riff off. 
>> PMario..
>>> I don't want to mess with some ASCII art to get a table going. 

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