on 12/18/2000 11:27 AM, "Costin Manolache" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In fact, 3.3 doesn't even exist - when the development
> on the main branch of tomcat 3 will reach a stable
> state we can discuss about 3.3 , and you can argue
> that it's better or worse than 3.2 and we should ( or
> should not ) release it. Until that happens, TC3.3
> refers to the version that is developmed out of tomcat
> 3 main branch - and you are welcomed to comment on any
> development that takes place and send your feedback
> about any commit. Those are the only real issues so
> far - if you are interested in 3.x future.

Right, but you are discussing 3.3 as being the future when you don't even
know that is going to exist. That is wrong. Should I quote you?

Costin said:
> Since I believe in a different future and direction, I'll spend the
> time to make mod_jk and tomcat3.2 ( and the future 3.3 )  work with
> Apache2.0. 

I'm +1 on 3.2.x continuing for however long we need it to in bug fix/minor
enhancement mode. This should clear up Greg's posting confusion.

As I said earlier, I would be strongly -1 on a 3.3.

I'm +1 on Catalina becoming 4.0 and -1 on 3.x HEAD becoming 4.0.

I'm +1 on considering what you are working on in the 3.x HEAD as becoming
4.5 or 5.0.

In other words, I really want to see Catalina have a chance in the real
world as a 4.0 release. If it does good, then I will vote strongly to follow
that path for a while. If it does really badly, then I will evaluate 3.x
HEAD again and consider that for a future direction.



Honk if you love peace and quiet.

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