> Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto
> ever happen
> Oh, man, ...
> > Ok let's settle this argument simple.
> >
> > Tonight, I'll ask my Christian Science friend to talk to Jesus,
> Why not ask Jesus yourself? Prayer is open to anyone, and is not limited
> to the night.

        Ehh not for me.  I'm a heathen and I'm going straight to hell, so there's no 
point in even trying.  Night is preferable because usually prayer goes hand in hand 
with virgin boy sacrifice, and there's less people around at night to hear the screams 
in the church basement.

> >  and ask him the following:
> >
> > "Jesus, if EL really DOES decrease performance significantly,
> > and should not be used at all, please give me absolutely NO sign.
> > However, if EL is a great thing and should be used by everyone, please
> > give me a sign".
> Are you sure you haven't been setting us up just so you could say that?
> I'll admit, the 2LA for Expression Language causes me pause, but, ...
> Well, just in case you're serious, I'll mention Matthew 12, ca. 39.
> Might also mention Gideon and his fleece.


> > I'll report to you in the morning and let you know what was God's
> opinion on that.
> I have an idea what He would say:
>    Use the tools you understand. Work hard. Be happy.
>    But don't insult other people by insulting their tools.
>    And don't tweak people just because they use strange 2LAs
>    for their runtime expression languages.
> I might be wrong, of course.
> --
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