>Facebook uses its psychological profile of you to determine what information to display at what time in order to addict you.

Yes. And it should be very scary for everyone with two brain cells. Unfortunately the average facebook user has only one. They are profiling you so accurately your mother would be surprised. They know more about you than you know about yourself. This information not only contains your weak spots, it's also there to stay, forever. At each point some degenerate power (all powers tend to be) to be can use it against you. We know for a fact that laws change in time. We know for a fact that what is considered normal today might be considered suspicious tomorrow. What was illegal yesterday might be legal today and might again be illegal tomorrow. Being openly gay on Facebook? You might find yourself in big trouble some day. Just a random example..

Does this activate one of your cells? Mine are having a party while I write this.

Being able to predict future actions is being able to chill history into what I call 'the eternal present'. No change will ever come, no revolution, if the current state keeps on. If you can survey everyone all the time you can spot the whistleblowers and the activists in a jiffy and with no effort whatsoever. This is effectively the death of the mere idea of democracy, let alone its actual establishment.

But what I find to be the most dystopian and bad thing is... you are also (generic facebook you) getting addicted to constant feedback of artificial emotional satisfaction. this is indeed the real hard drug of any social network if and when misused. I know this for a fact. I am ashamed to admit this but when I first joined diaspora I was in a quite difficult period of my life, I found beautiful 'people' there (read ideally constructed images of what I deem a decent human being' or 'a pleasant and funny human being' is) and was very well welcomed when I joined. I am very ashamed but I will admit it: many of the first posts I posted there were motivated by this feedback. I liked being liked. Everybody does. We all want to be loved. And when we find no love or not enough love in our 'real life' we tend to use surrogates. It's human nature. It's the main reason of **every** drug addiction case. Fortunately I stopped doing that, I soon realized what I was doing. I hated my self for that. This feedback of likes and hearts and sweet words is a big fat lie, it does not exist. It's a heavy drug, and you need more, always more. Being a bitch is very wrong. Being a slave is even worse. I find the average facecuck user a combination of the two. Don't sell yourself, don't let the others define your value or likeability. Be asocial. If you can't be asocial (I can't) then be honest to yourself.

>For instance, Facebook suggests new articles based on which ones you have clicked on in the past.

It's called bubbling. It's a huge problem indeed. Above I mentioned the 'impossibility of change'. This is just another one, but a more subtle one. If you (generic facecuck you) always only read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear, how in the world can you change your mind, how in the world are you going to learn new things or correct your little wrong ideas and opinions? If your values and ideas are never faced you are much less than you could be. In other words facebook makes sure you stay ignorant and 'monolithic'. You'll never grow up, you'll never develop a critical though.

>trapped in a "bubble of ignorance"
>this technique is a form of mind control

Exactly, excellent mate!

But you are making me verbose and I don't like verbose, goddamit :/

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