> Mason, some humans are more vulnerable to these malicious features

My fear is that, even if there currently still exist people who are not 
susceptible to Facebook's manipulation, one day soon Facebook will acheive such 
efficiency that this is no lnger the case. Facebook isn't a naturally occuring 
substance like alcohol that happens to have some addictive properties that 
affect some humans. It is specifically designed to exploit vulnerabilies in the 
human brain. Its manipulations are like those of a cult or the abuser in an 
unhealthy relationship, but with more potential. Cults are only able to 
mentally a significant number of people by limiting themselves to those with 
severe and obvious vulnerabilities. Emotional abusers are able to acheive 
control over otherwise healthy people, but they rely on intimate knowledge of 
their victim to do so, limiting the number of people they can exploit. Mind 
control has always existed, just not efficiently enough to instantly work on an 
arbitrary individual. No longer. Only two things are required to have a 
mechanism for perfect mind control: (1) automatic detection of an individual's 
vulnerabilities and (2) automated exploitation of these vulnerabilities. 
Facebook has almost perfected (1). While (2) is sure to advance much further, 
it has already come far enough to be very dangerous. I can't stress enough that 
Facebook already has the power to decide the outcome of a close election: 

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