> When I see people slandering Joseph Smith,
> I am reminded slander was the technique whereby
> Satan sought to overthrow and discredit God.

Glenn wrote:
> Shame on you DavidM for slandering
> Joe Smith.

Yeah, yeah.  The Bill Clinton supporters kept complaining the same way.
They sure hated it when that dress was found.

For the record, I have never slandered Joe Smith.  To slander means to say
something false and damaging about somebody.  I have NEVER said anything
false about Joe Smith.  I have only reported factual truths and desire to
know how Mormons deal with the truth.  If a Mormon or anybody here can show
me anywhere that I said anything false about Joe Smith, I will send them
$50.  It's a shame I have to offer money, but I have tried and tried to get
these guys to answer me seriously about Joe's con artist ways.  Maybe
offering money will help them take my posts seriously?  I don't know.  What
I do know is that I have spent the last few years looking hard and long at
Joe Smith, primarily because I really like Dave Hansen, and secondarily I
have a client in California who is a Mormon, and I really like him too.  I
have looked into this carefully and seriously, with the hopes of finding
some good things.  There are some good things in Mormonism, but Joe Smith
isn't one of them, in my opinion.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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