Now I'm on a roll -- I feel like I'm sitting around a campfire telling ghost
stories (all by myself! ROFL!)  Here's a true first-person demon story:

Many years ago, when I was working as an RN in the Intensive Care Unit of a
hospital I walked in and introduced myself to my patient as my day shift
began (as I always did.) I had taken care of her before, but when I came in
that day she had been taken off the ventilator the night before, so she
would be able to talk back to me.  But when I said something like, "Hi, I'm
your nurse today. How are you this morning?" her response was shocking.  In
a DEEP male voice she snarled something like, "Why you filthy s.o.b., etc."
with the most VILE language, and a horrific evil darkness in her eyes! 

 I KNEW this was a demon speaking to me, without a doubt! The hair literally
stood up on the back of my neck! But I stood my ground and simply said, "The
Lord rebuke you," very sternly.  Then I was even MORE shocked when she
simply smiled pleasantly and replied, "Thank you," and from then on acted
perfectly normal!

That was weird enough, but if you can believe this: the next day I went
through exactly the same morning routine with another female patient who had
been taken off the vent the night before. I politely introduced myself, and
in the EXACT SAME DEEP MALE VOICE, that woman cursed me out with the same
demonic venom!!!  Once again, the hair stood up on the back of my neck, and
once again I said, "The Lord rebuke you."  

And guess what she said! "Thank you!"  She smiled pleasantly and never acted
that way again!!!  

My only conclusion was that there was a demonic spirit in that ventilator
that was getting into those women! I know you will REALLY think I'm a
fruitcake now! ROFL!!!


"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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