Perry wrote:
> Furthermore, saying that you are not on TT to learn 
> the truth has born itself out many times. Kevin has 
> posted many statements published in LDS literature 
> by your own leaders, historians, and other respected LDS 
> men that directly contradict the BoM, the D&C, JS, 
> themselves, each other, and even your beliefs. And 
> regardless of how opposite the statements are, how 
> ludicrous, how contradictory, you always state that 
> it's a "mormon thang" [my words for your and Blaine's 
> excuse]. You hide behind the idea that since we are 
> not LDS, we can't understand the coherency and logical 
> beauty of what we protestant idiots see as a contradiction. 
> Hogwash. The LDS are constantly doing the mormon Shuffle 
> (a.k.a tyhe Utah Sidestep) to cover up the inconsistent 
> and contradictory nature of the LDS church. "Oh what 
> tangled webs we weave...".

Actually, in many cases, I thought Blaine did a good job explaining his
underlying assumptions whereby his interpretation of what was said was
very different than Kevin's interpretation.  Yet, Kevin just railroads
ahead, oblivious to Blaine's response.  

The problem here is that you and Kevin hold to the same premises and
underlying assumptions.  It takes work to think outside your assumptions
and understand the assumptions of another. Instead of working at
identifying these assumptions, you fall back to the belief that either
Blaine is blind to the contradiction or consciously is deceiving others.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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