Blaine:  LOL  More unsupprted assertions, Judy.  Errant beliefs?  Please show this, rather than simply stating it and then assuming we must surely agree. 
----- Original Message -----
From: "Judy Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 4:17 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Adams FALL UPWARD

> From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Blaine:  Thanks for your usual,  reasonable, logical, calm  response,
> DaveH. Yes, you have stated many times that you are here to learn . 
> Judy:
> Learn what? If either of you are curious about other people's beliefs
> there are plenty of books out there and here we just keep going
> over and over and over the same ground. You persist in accusing
> God of setting Adam up in the garden along with whatever other
> perversions are needed to promote your errant beliefs.
> Blaine:
> I could hardly fail to notice, however, that you have repeatedly
> been forced to defend your own religion--and your personal self--
> for that matter, from aggressive/antagonistic remarks made by 
> some TT'rs, as have I. 
> Judy:
> I have nothing against you or DaveH as persons but I have and
> will make no secret of the fact that I reject your religion and that
> I consider it a cult. I would encourage both of you to lay aside all
> you have been taught and start over. That is, if you are honestly
> interested in TRUTH rather than playing games.
> Blaine:
> You have also answered questions posed by others about your
> Mormon religion, as have I.  And when the answers fall on bigoted 
> ears, and attempts are afterwards made to belittle and discredit your
> and my answers, it does not make for a situation of mutual trust,
> respect or understanding. 
> Judy:
> Bigoted ears huh? That's interesting.  Just proves how many miles
> apart we are and how far Mormonism is from the FAITH ONCE
> Blaine:
> I too wonder why some of these people are here.  I wonder why I
> am here.  This is TT, or TruthTalk, supposedly, but I have yet to see
> many here who really are interested in truth--
> Judy:
> WHAT IS TRUTH? You say it is the BofM.  I say it is scripture, the
> eternal Word of God which I spend time studying so from my
> perspective your vision is distorted.
Blaine:  Now we are getting somewhere, Judy, at least you are able to admit this is a matter of opinion.  Prior to that, we were being designated as deceivers.
> Blaine:
> mostly it has been attempt after attempt to bloody our noses!! 
> That is my perception, and it seems lately with DavidM's more
> objective influence on the wane, it has gotten worse.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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