Thank you for your answer, Perry.  I am wondering if the Mormon folk would make the same argument but with different claims about Jesus.   Is the "real" Jesus a procreated being?   there may be other qustions -- but that seems to me to a very important question.   Blaine, Dave  ????????   By the way, gentlemen, there are two questions in the above.
DAVEH:   Yikes.....I'm not sure I even see one question there, John....let alone two.   If you want to ask a question, go ahead.   But don't expect me to dig out my crystal ball to try to read your mind!   (Please define procreated as you understand it if you want me to respond.)
I want to fully agree with Perry  --   but if we share in some misconceptions about Christ,   and I think we do,  what effect does this have on a soverign being full of grace and patience and love?   Assume two things on my part  --   that I am not moving to ward a theology of universalism and that I see "faith" as "conviction accompanied with content  -  whether that content is correct (i.e. Peter's confession) or incorrect  (i.e. the non-meat eater in Romans 14).  
My concern with this line of questioning has as much to do with how I view Judy Taylor as it has to do with Blaine and Dave.   Judy denies that Jesus is the eternal Son of God.  Why should I not consider her to be a heretic?   And will your answer put her "within the fold"  while excluding Blaine and Dave.    
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 06:22:35 -0700
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Belief

  None of us DOES have a thouroughly accurate picture of Jesus. But you argument dows not follow from our discussion. I think you can take things away from one's knowledge of Jesus and still have the right one, but start adding stuff, and you get the wrong one. One also can misunderstand an aspect of Jesus, and still be on track. 
  However, when you start adding extra-biblical stuff you end up with a different jesus. For example, is the Jesus you know the brother of Satan? Did he have a mother and a father in heaven, making him a procreated being? Was his father once a man from the planet Kolob? If so, then you are a mormon! If not, then you know a different Jesus than the mormon Jesus. 
  One of the primary ways we identify people is by their lineage. Who is their father? Where are they from? Who is their brother? The m ormon jesus fails ALL of these traditional tests for iden tifying people. Same jesus? You tell me. 

Dave Hansen
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