@jim.renkel. Thanks a ton. I think now it is clear.

<<It appears to me that each user of a white-listed site gets 20k
requests per hour, independent of any other users of that site or *any
other uses of the twitter API at other sites by that user *>>

probably this is what they mean by

*"IP whitelisting takes precedence to account rate limits*. *GET requests
from a whitelisted IP address made on a user's behalf will be deducted from
the whitelisted IP's limit, not the users*."

If the IP limit  is for the consumer then it will lead to denial of service
This is how we wanted it to work.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:52 AM, jim.renkel <james.ren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My experience with this is, I think, a little bit different than what
> you describe.
> It appears to me that each user of a white-listed site gets 20k
> requests per hour, independent of any other users of that site or any
> other uses of the twitter API at other sites by that user.
> I didn't think this was what twitter intended and reported it as a bug
> (See: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=617), but
> the twitter folk said "Yup, working as intended".
> After you log in at http://twxlate.com, the site reports rate limit
> information on every page view, so you can see how this works there.
> Comments expected and welcome.
> Jim Renkel
> On Jul 23, 3:48 am, jmathai <jmat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > In other words, you have a web app running on a single server with a
> > > single IP. You make authenticated requests using each user's account.
> > > If your IP is whitelisted, the calls go towards your 20k limit, if it
> > > is not whitelisted, it goes against the current 150 limit for the
> > > respective accounts. That's what it means by "IP whitelisting takes
> > > precedence to account rate limits".
> >
> > I don't believe that is true.  If your web app is running on a
> > whitelisted IP then you get up to 20k GET calls per hour.  POST
> > requests (status or DM) are counted against the user being
> > authenticated.  You CANNOT retrieve a user's rate limit status.

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