All the time. I have given up on expecting consistency between summary
numbers and the actual detail data.

Twitter has to do so much data replication for performance reasons, I
think it's extremely tough to keep everything in sync.

It's like the discrepancies in search results and site rankings
between different Google data centers.

Another summary number that messed up is the Direct Message count in
the Twitter sidebar. If you delete a large number of DMs via the API,
that number remains incorrect forever. My own has been showing 26 for
4 months now, and in that time I have never had more than 3 DMs in my
Inbox. I've also seen some of the deleted DMs just "magically"
reappear again.


On Sep 5, 11:52 am, Rudifa <> wrote:
> Hello
> I am seeing right now (14:45 UTC) discrepancy between the list of my
> followers as reported by my home page at (which is
> correct) and the list reported by the API - which seems to be several
> days old (it includes several followers that I blocked recently).
> Is anyone else seeing this?

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