Better overlook, SSL to imgur:

ICS: (almost twice the frames)

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:30 PM, brian - <> wrote:

> You never mentioned you were testing the synchronous methods of the
> component, that is not a fair test of ICS performance, you should be
> using proper events and the async component methods.
> I'm observing the same issue with async calls though, did the same test
> from above but this time with PostAsync, waited for RequestDone: 49 seconds.
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:06 PM, brian - <> wrote:
>> Captured with Microsoft Network Monitor, non-SSL post to my server:
>> Synapse: 3.8s
>> ICS: 46.5s
>> (too large for text paste sites)
>> few lines from each:
>> Frame, time, time offset, process, source, destination, protocol,
>> description, conv id
>> SYN
>> 520    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.0849405    Project1.exe
>>    **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #474]Flags=...A...., SrcPort=58338, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=1436,
>> Seq=61535050 - 61536486, Ack=220751404, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 521    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.0849470    Project1.exe
>>    **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #474]Flags=...A...., SrcPort=58338, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=1436,
>> Seq=61536486 - 61537922, Ack=220751404, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 522    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.1643870    Project1.exe    **dest
>> host**    TCP    TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTP(80),
>> DstPort=58338, PayloadLen=0, Seq=220751404, Ack=61391450, Win=1167 (scale
>> factor 0x7) = 149376    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 523    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.1644469    Project1.exe
>>    **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #474]Flags=...A...., SrcPort=58338, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=1436,
>> Seq=61537922 - 61539358, Ack=220751404, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 524    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.1644572    Project1.exe
>>    **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #474]Flags=...A...., SrcPort=58338, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=1436,
>> Seq=61539358 - 61540794, Ack=220751404, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 525    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.1647476    Project1.exe    **dest
>> host**    TCP    TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTP(80),
>> DstPort=58338, PayloadLen=0, Seq=220751404, Ack=61394322, Win=1167 (scale
>> factor 0x7) = 149376    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 526    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.1647476    Project1.exe    **dest
>> host**    TCP    TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTP(80),
>> DstPort=58338, PayloadLen=0, Seq=220751404, Ack=61397194, Win=1167 (scale
>> factor 0x7) = 149376    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 527    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.1647476    Project1.exe    **dest
>> host**    TCP    TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTP(80),
>> DstPort=58338, PayloadLen=0, Seq=220751404, Ack=61402938, Win=1167 (scale
>> factor 0x7) = 149376    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 528    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.1647731    Project1.exe
>>    **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #474]Flags=...A...., SrcPort=58338, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=1436,
>> Seq=61540794 - 61542230, Ack=220751404, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> 529    17:41:32 2016-Apr-18    10.1647817    Project1.exe
>>    **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #474]Flags=...A...., SrcPort=58338, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=1436,
>> Seq=61542230 - 61543666, Ack=220751404, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:75, IPv4:18}
>> ICS
>> 2251    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    177.9631709    Project1.exe
>>     **dest host**    HTTP    HTTP:HTTP Payload, URL:
>> /test/upload.php     {HTTP:289, TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2252    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    177.9631750    Project1.exe
>>     **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #2251]Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=58460, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=24,
>> Seq=458800455 - 458800479, Ack=3147579723, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2253    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    177.9631908    Project1.exe
>>     **dest host**    HTTP    HTTP:HTTP Payload, URL:
>> /test/upload.php     {HTTP:289, TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2254    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    177.9631942    Project1.exe
>>     **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #2253]Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=58460, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=24,
>> Seq=458801915 - 458801939, Ack=3147579723, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2255    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    177.9632252    Project1.exe
>>     **dest host**    HTTP    HTTP:HTTP Payload, URL:
>> /test/upload.php     {HTTP:289, TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2256    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    177.9632296    Project1.exe
>>     **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #2255]Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=58460, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=24,
>> Seq=458803375 - 458803399, Ack=3147579723, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2257    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    177.9632594    Project1.exe
>>     **dest host**    HTTP    HTTP:HTTP Payload, URL:
>> /test/upload.php     {HTTP:289, TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2258    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    177.9632631    Project1.exe
>>     **dest host**    TCP    TCP:[Continuation to
>> #2257]Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=58460, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=24,
>> Seq=458804835 - 458804859, Ack=3147579723, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) =
>> 66048    {TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2259    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    178.0811555    Project1.exe    **dest
>> host**     TCP    TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTP(80),
>> DstPort=58460, PayloadLen=0, Seq=3147579723, Ack=458800479, Win=501 (scale
>> factor 0x7) = 64128    {TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> 2260    17:50:17 2016-Apr-18    178.0811555    Project1.exe    **dest
>> host**     TCP    TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTP(80),
>> DstPort=58460, PayloadLen=0, Seq=3147579723, Ack=458801939, Win=501 (scale
>> factor 0x7) = 64128    {TCP:288, IPv4:18}
>> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 5:14 PM, brian - <> wrote:
>>> Hm not sure if you can see my previous thread messages, I did some
>>> little analysis:
>>> ICS: ~23s, 377 x 8KB, 55-60ms between packets:
>>> ICS @ 64KB: ~22s, 48 x 64KB, 450-470ms between packets:
>>> SYN: ~6s, 49 x 64KB, 110-120ms between packets:
>>> Indy: ~9s, 95 x 32KB, 70-80ms between packets:
>>> WinInet: ~6s, 190 x ~16KB, 5-55ms between packets,
>>> then tried to log timings through various stages of the post, albeit not
>>> being that helpful, I think the main issue lies on OverbyteIcsHttpProt
>>> around
>>>     while FState <> httpReady do begin
>>>>       {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
>>>>         if MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, Pointer(nil)^, FALSE, 1000,
>>>>                                      QS_ALLINPUT) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
>>>>       {$ENDIF}
>>>>             MessagePump;
>>> I'll check on wireshark.
>>> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 4:44 PM, RTT <> wrote:
>>>> On 18/04/2016 15:15, brian - wrote:
>>>>> I know ICS is made for free by volunteers, I'm not expecting/demanding
>>>>> a
>>>>> fix, but I think this is an issue that we could look into to try to
>>>>> find a
>>>>> solution/find the core problem together.
>>>> To start, you could compare the characteristics of the packets being
>>>> sent (e.g. using Wireshark), and the times involved, so we can get a
>>>> general idea of what is being done differently in these HTTP components.
>>>> Maybe this general analyzes offers the clues for what code needs to be
>>>> optimized/profiled.
>>>> --
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