If I remember correctly—and I'm sure that I do—Kyle started his "personal" 
listserv less than a week before his book was released. I always suspected that 
he did it to avoid any discussion about the book's subject matter. In that 
sense I agree with you. I don't think he can easily deal with disagreements. I 
could be wrong.


PS. For those of you not subscribed to UCNeighbors, that listserv is now a 
Google Group and is no longer hosted by or affiliated with Penn.

On Apr 1, 2010, at 08:59 PM, UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN wrote:

> Wilma de Soto wrote:
>> As an original member of the SHCA Listserv and its subsequent UnivCity 
>> Listserv, I will never believe UCNeighbors was not formed in order to 
>> discredit and shut down the UnivCity Listserv@ purple.
> kyle set up his listserv towards the end of july 2007 after being on this 
> list for years. though it's convenient for some to think this list upmanship 
> has all been a question of civility, kyle's free-wheeling posting style here 
> was certainly no model of civility; while he was on this list he behaved at 
> times as badly as (if not worse than) those he (and others) accused of 
> behaving badly. his leaving was not about the civility of this list, but 
> about the inability of everyone on this list to agree. many people countered 
> his arguments and points of view with the same free-wheeling style he used. 
> some who did agree with him (while matching his free-wheeling style) left to 
> join his list at the same time he did; in fact, they were posting on his new 
> list before kyle posted the news here that he had set up his new list.
> on july 27 the following free-wheeling exchange happened between he and 
> melani on his new list:
>> In a message dated 7/27/07 6:49:04 PM, kcassidy at asc.upenn.edu writes:
>> the cool thing about this software is that i can pre-ban glenn!
> to which melani replied:
>> This will be heaven.   But, I hope he doesn't know where you live.
>> Melani
> and then on july 28, kyle announced on this list that he had set up his new 
> list.
> one difference between kyle's list and this list: unlike kyle's list, this 
> list's archive can be viewed by ANYONE, whether they are subscribed or not. 
> the above exchange, in fact, is archived here:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/univcity@list.purple.com/msg18895.html
> and from there anyone can explore what kyle and others posted over the years 
> -- good, bad, or ugly -- and the discussions that followed his leaving:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/univcity@list.purple.com/msg18858.html
> ..................
> ----
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
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