Dear Maxim and all:

After trying to understand and find solutions to my last issues with the 
router, I have come to the conclusion that this is far out of my league and I 
might run the risk of damaging my work trying to fix something for which I 
don't have enough knowledge, least expertise.

Before leaving I'd like to sincerely and warmly thank all those who have tried 
to help me understand how OM works and what it requires with no other interest 
in mind, just sharing knowledge, but specially I'd like to thank Maxim Maximus 
"The Genius", despite your last suggestion was the door to my downfall (reality 
can be tough and kick you hard, but it's reality), I believe your work here is 
really commendable, answering hundreds of emails very quickly and to the point 
(those days I was away working, the amount of emails that accumulated in my 
inbox were a true burden to read through in case something of value to my 
particular needs could be useful - i just can´t imagine having to find 
solutions and answer each one to pick up lost time).

I don't use emoticons so: clap, clap, clap.

Tharrrk, in case you read this, I tried to answer your personal emails but they 
bounced back.

With my Best Regards to all,
(I'll wait for a week Maxim, in case anyone wants to answer this and then I'll 
ask you to take me off the list, thanks).


On Thu, 10/8/17, Maxim Solodovnik <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: help configuration smtp server
 To: "Openmeetings user-list" <>, "Richard Pérez" 
 Date: Thursday, 10 August, 2017, 0:33
 Unfortunately this is the only first step
 IP address 192.*** is the address of
 your local network (created for you by your
 router)You have skipped the
 steps:1) go to
 you router settings
 (router web interface, most probably available at find your external
 Check OM is accessible via this
 IPIf not
 your WiFi router blocks incoming connections on port
 On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at
 10:53 AM, Richard Pérez <>
 ¡¡¡GENIUS!!!!  :)  :) :) :)
 That did it, at least from my laptop.  Tomorrow I'll
 try connecting to my son's computer in another venue.
 And my ISP speed tester all had the same IP, giving no
 IPv4 gave a different IP starting with 192.....
 so, http://192......IP:5080/ openmeetings
 opens the login page in my laptop
 and takes the visitor to his dashboard.
 application.base.url    to http://192......IP:5080/
 sent a link which takes my visitor directly to the room.
 Maximus Maxim:
 As my IP changes each day, or about, do I have to check
 IPv4, and use it for invitations at each change?
 What if I send the link to enter some days before the
 meeting and the IP/ IPv4 is different the day of the
 Or does this mean I should tweak something else so IP is the
 same as IPv4?
 I don't know what time it is where you are, but I'm
 going to sleep now.
 And I won't need Cate Blanchet to sleep like a log.
 A million thanks.
 ------------------------------ --------------
 On Wed, 9/8/17, Maxim Solodovnik <>
  Subject: Re: help configuration smtp server
  To: "Openmeetings user-list" <>
 , "Richard Pérez" <>
  Date: Wednesday, 9 August, 2017, 21:50
  It seems
  your "181.myIP" is not your IP address :(
  additional checks:1) run
  cmd.exe2) type ipconfig /all3) find
  your IPv4 IPcheck OM is accessible via your IPv4
  IP from step 3
  if it
  is not accessible you have to check your Windows
  settingsIf it is accessible1) go to
  router settings2) find your external
  IP 3) go to
  (or some other service) 4) check IPs are the
  samecheck OM is accessible via your external IP
  from step 3
  PS do not change OM config, it is
  for email sending and some other internal
  On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at
  3:46 AM, Richard Pérez <>
  I have a Windows 10 computer (originally 8.1 forced
  Win10) about 1 year old.  64 bits, 3.0 GHz, 2,0 GB
  After installing Win10 it has got slow (some programs get
  slow I have to restart the computer to get things back
  "normal").  Chrome is permanently getting
  goes on and on and gets nowhere.  My antivirus says my
  startup needs a clean up, too much Sh** moving about in
  background and if a pay so much they'll clean it up. 
  have a Windows XP Laptop, 2.0 GHz, 1.87 GB RAM, 64x2
  where Word opens immediately, my antivirus has never told
  he needs to clean up anything and I don't know if it
  any other of the issues because I don't use it
  to the Internet except for very specific uses because
  Microsoft doesn't support it anymore (and no one
  for that case).  Maybe I'll be throwing this
  10th bum out of the Window's.  Maybe it's this
  Windows the cause I can't connect due to some
  configuration intruding where it shouldn't.
  I have done the tests following your questions.  This
  what I've got.  I'd love to know if anyone
  Windows 10 has been able to get Openmeetings running
  this point.
  Case 1)
  a) I changed port 5080 for port 80 in:
  \conf\ and
  b) I double clicked on red5.bat to run red5.
  c) I put:
  were you able to open
  openmeetings from same machine?  > YES, I get into
  the dashboard
  from same machine?       > NO, Access Error: 404
  Not Found
  from external machine?  > NO, Access Error: 404 --
  Case 2)
  In Windows 10: Control Panel (Panel de Control) >
  Firewall (Firewall de Windows) > Advanced Settings
  (Configuración Avanzada) > Entry Rules (Reglas de
  Port 80 seems to be open (tell me if you want to see
  Exported file with Entry Rules – I don’t understand
  the details but port 80 is there).  I also created new
  rules for ports: TCP 5080, UDP 5080, TCP 1935, TCP 8443,
  8088, TCP 8081 allowing connection from Domain, Private
  Having all this supposedly open (and port 5080 in:
  \conf\ and
  \webapps\openmeetings\public\ config.xml),
  have disabled Windows Firewall (Private and Public): I
  red5 and once activated I open Chrome and paste the
  were you able to open
  openmeetings from same machine? > YES, I get into
  openmeetings from same machine?      > NO,
    (in Chrome), INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND (in IE)
  openmeetings from external machine? > NO,
  I disable my antivirus:
  In the three cases I get the same responses.
  ------------------------------ ---
  Details of Case 1 procedure:
  openmeetings > transforms to
  in the browser > takes to OM’s login page
  I enter > http://localhost/openmeetings/
  I go to > Administration > Configuration
  Where I have the following data (left there from
  – my current IP is the same one)
  application.base.url    http://181.myIP:5080/
  In another Chrome window I enter:
  > Access Error: 404 -- Not Found
  openmeetings/ > Access Error: 404 -- Not Found
  openmeetings/ > ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
  I go to > Administration > Configuration
  I change:
  application.base.url    http://181.myIP:5080/
  application.base.url    http://181.myIP:80/
  I save, log out, close Chrome window, close red5
  I wait a few seconds, restart red5, open a Chrome window
  paste in the browser:
  openmeetings > transforms to
  in the browser > takes to OM’s login page
  I enter > http://localhost/openmeetings/
  In another Chrome window I enter:
  > Access Error: 404 -- Not Found
  openmeetings/ > Access Error: 404 -- Not Found
  openmeetings/ > ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
  openmeetings > takes me directly to the Dashboard,
  even if in the other window I logged in with, I’m on
  another page (i.e. “Start”).
  If I open an IE window and paste:
  openmeetings > it takes me to the login page.
  I created a user and logged in with this username and
  password.  It took me to the admin space, but with the
  of the user.   Now I’m logged-in in Chrome and IE
  two different users.
  If I log-out with user 2, user 1 is still logged-in
  In my Laptop (external machine?) connected to the
  with a cable:
  I open Chrome and paste: http://181.myIP:80/
  openmeetings > Access Error: 404 -- Not Found
  ------------------------------ -------------
  Thanks for your interest in my backache,
  ------------------------------ --------------
  On Wed, 9/8/17, Maxim Solodovnik <>
   Subject: Re: help configuration smtp server
   To: "Openmeetings user-list" <>
  , "Richard Pérez" <>
   Date: Wednesday, 9 August, 2017, 3:36
   I don't have
   windows box right now, maybe someone else can help
   Will try to provide some vectors of
   investigation:0) please test one feature
   only   so instead of set everything up, send
   email, check link in the email   you need
   to   try to access om in browser using your
   SMTP seems to work for you as expected
   So right now it is
   firewall problem
   so1) you have changed port to
   be 80 in    have you restarted
   OM    does it
   started without errors?    were you able to open
   from same machine?    were you able to open
   from same machine?
       were you able to open
   from external machine?
   2) you
   have opened port on Windows FW/Disabled FW    were
  able to open
   from same machine?    were you able to open
   from same machine?    were you able to open
   from external machine?
   problems like this should be solved step by step
   On Wed, Aug 9,
   2017 at 12:17 AM, Richard Pérez <>
   Hello Maxim:
   I still can’t get by the Timed-Out Connection…
   Things done:
   In Windows 10: Control Panel (Panel de Control) >
   Firewall (Firewall de Windows) > Advanced Settings
   (Configuración Avanzada) > Entry Rules (Reglas de
   1) I exported all the data and found the ports I
   are open are:
   Local Ports: 68, 80, 135, 137, 138, 139, 162, 443,
   1701, 1723, 1900, 2177, 2869, 3390, 3540, 3587, 3702,
   5355, 5357, 5358, 5985, 7235, 7250, 7680, 9955,
   10244, 10245, 10246, 10247, 23555
   554, 8554, 8555, 8556, 8557, 8558 (Media Center
   RTSP (TCP de entrada))
   7777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, 5004, 5005, 50004,
   50006, 50007, 50008, 50009, 50010, 50011, 50012,
   (Media Center Extenders - WMDRM-ND/RTP/RTCP (UDP de
   Remote Ports:
   67     (UDP; Program:
   %SystemRoot%\system32\ svchost. exe)
   547   (UDP; Program:
   %SystemRoot%\system32\ svchost. exe)
   7235 (UDP; Program:
   2) As port 80 seems to be open, I changed port 5080
   80 in: \conf\ and
   And in red5’s frontend configuration:
   application.base.url    http://181.myIP:80/
   This worked for someone else, not for me.
   In “\conf\” I had:
   # HTTP
   I only changed “5080”, I did not edit the others.
   3) I created new ports, for: TCP 5080, UDP 5080, TCP
   TCP 8443, TCP 8088, TCP 8081
   Allowing connection from Domain, Private and Public.
   Control Panel (Panel de Control) > Windows
   (Firewall de Windows) > Advanced Settings
   Avanzada) > Entry Rules (Reglas de Entrada) >
   (Nueva Regla)
   This did not work.
   4) Angry now, I disabled the Windows Firewall
    I also disabled my Antivirus completely.  I
   Router.  I restarted my computer. I entered my new
   OpenMeetings settings and restarted red5 and
   Checked my Gmail was allowing non secure Apps. Sent
   invitation without password to my Laptop connected to
   router by cable (it should have the same IP).
   This didn’t work. My laptop can’t enter the room.
   If this didn’t work, can’t one infer that my
   not firewalling entry?  Does this mean that the
   either is in the Router (or my Internet service
   something else not related to my computer?
   I’d much appreciate if anyone can tell me what else
   do to find the problem.  Thanks.
   Maxim aka solomax
  Maxim aka solomax
 Maxim aka solomax

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