
> 1. I was going through the update SA code, I  figured out that the
> replay data for an SA is fetched separately from the other SA data,
> however, while adding the updated SA replay value is sent with other
> entries. What is the reason for this discrepancy.

That's due to a limitation of the XFRM API the kernel provides.
Unfortunately, the sequence numbers are not included in the response to
a XFRM_MSG_GETSA request.  These are therefore fetched using a separate
XFRM_MSG_GETAE request.  On the other hand, the kernel accepts the
sequence numbers as part of an XFRM_MSG_NEWSA or XFRM_MSG_UPDSA request.

> 2. We did not find the query_sa function called from any place in the
> code, is this function redundtant.

It is and it was removed in 4.2.9.

> 3. Once IKE stack detects that it is behinf NAT, does it still accept
> packets at port 500.



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