Hello Tamás,

For context, what are the tensions that you're trying to solve here?

Is m-dependency-p too big/getting unmaintainable/becoming a kitchen sink?

Do some goals feel like a bad fit?

Are you thinking of breaking it up or replacing it?


On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 8:52 AM Tamás Cservenák <ta...@cservenak.net> wrote:

> Howdy,
> just to not let this discussion die off. Let me show a take on a "how
> modern Maven plugin should look like" (that targets m-dependency-p goals,
> sans analyze and some others) could look like:
> https://github.com/maveniverse/toolbox
> The "unpack" related goals are missing, not yet done, but there are already
> 33 Mojos in there. Most Mojos that are "gav-" prefixed are totally same as
> CLI commands, and they do NOT require Project, are meant to be "ad hoc"
> invoked.
> The non-"gav-"-prefixed mojos use MavenProject instead to "contextualize"
> themselves (so they work with the Project, and the "plugin-" prefixed ones
> with Project defined plugins).
> Note1: not yet released (is not on Central), if you want to test drive it,
> build it locally).
> Note2: the "toolbox" is Maven Plugin and a CLI at the same time (the CLI
> uber is toolbox-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-cli.jar)
> Note3: some of the missing goals mentioned on this thread are implemented
> Thanks
> T

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