LuKreme wrote:
On 14-Dec-2009, at 07:59, Bill Landry wrote:
Christian Brel, AKA "" (among other aliases), is

Ah, that explains the tone and typo pattern of that email.

While I am suspicious of and Barracuda's ties to each other I am not moving to a shack in Montana because of it, if you know what I mean.

Personally, I am not going to waste the processor cycles checking emailreg AT ALL, so I am not going to score up emails on the whitelist either. Now, if other more … levelheaded users of this list find that a slight positive nudge is worthwhile I'm certainly willing to reconsider. Thirty points in one rule? Do I look like I'm wearing a tinfoil hat?



If you think about it, if Barracuda, a spam filtering company, started selling access to spammers, how long do you think Barracuda would stay in business. Their customers who got the spam would move elsewhere. So I really don't think that Barracuda is going to sell out their main business to make $20 off of a few spammers.

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