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Charles Gregory wrote:
> Indeed, it makes far LESS sense to have a system accept mail but send it
> to a spam folder. That practice leaves the sender with the mistaken
> impression that their mail was sucessfully delivered. And argue as you
> will, there is simply no way to get a broad user base to adopt the habit
> of reviewing a spam folder. I mean the whole point of filtering is that
> the user no longer has to sift through a pile of junk, right?

Maybe in your particular situation, but you can hardly apply that to
everyone - since we are supporting several large companies that find it
more acceptable to quarantine mail than to reject it, and *have* trained
their employees to look in a spam folder in the rare case that it is needed.

If postfix and amavisd-new have improvements lately that allow for
efficient rejecting at SMTP time, that's great!  ... for those who find
that to be the policy they want to take.   I think the policy should be
up to the individual organization.   Hmm... "policy".  Sounds a lot like
a feature of postfix, doesn't it?

- --
David Morton <morto...@dgrmm.net>

Morton Software & Design  http://www.dgrmm.net - Ruby on Rails
                                                 PHP Applications
Maia Mailguard http://www.maiamailguard.com    - Spam management
                                                 for mail servers
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