Where do I sign up for wicketstuff-user and wicketstuff-dev?

Is this mentioned on the wicketstuff wiki?

-regards Nino

Martijn Dashorst wrote:
The way most (if not all) Wicket committers keep track of this list (and all
other mailing lists for that matter) is to use gmail as their list reading
platform. The threaded view of gmail is unsurpassed IMO.
I have 0 unread Wicket messages on all lists I'm subscribed to: user, dev,
commits, private, wicketstuff-user, wicketstuff-dev


On 1/29/08, Curtis Cooley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Martijn Dashorst wrote:
On 1/29/08, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Remember, these mailing

lists are used by thousands of people all over the world and they're
here for a specific reason, to learn about Wicket (or to help others).

Remember that we are all humans, and that the social interactions
people is what makes a community thrive, as long as it is respectful and
open. The occasional personal wish, note or other social interaction
happens on the list makes us remember that we are human, and a
I think in this case the sharing was not off limits, and I hate to see
list go down a route where we take out any and all personal interactions
have to limit ourselves to the java problem du jour.

What we do need to be careful of is that it transcends into mostly
chitchat. However I don't see that happening anytime soon. The number of
w00t ftw and other messages is pretty low, as are the number of personal
life sharing.

Yes these messages are better suited to personal blogs or private
however I am not willing to start a police hunt or moderation effort to
remove any and all personal sharing on these lists.

This is a delicate problem. I rarely ever contribute since I'm still
learning and I really appreciate the complete answers I get when I ask
questions; however it is very difficult for me to follow this list.
Perhaps to some it doesn't seem high volume, but it easily triples all
the other mail I get. To me anything that perhaps improves the signal to
noise ratio helps.

That said, I wouldn't want it turned into what advanced-servlets turned
into. That list was basically dead quiet and whenever someone did ask a
question there was a 90% chance the responses would be two page
diatribes on how that question was not an advanced-servlet question.

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Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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