On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Ashley Aitken <mrhat...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi Igor (et al.),
> On 28/10/2009, at 12:21 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>> we take a wireframe prototype, build it, and have the designer go in
>> afterwards and pretty it up.
> Great, that is what I was hoping for.
> Any tips on how to do this so that it is easier for the designers?

be sure to enable
idebugsettings().setOutputMarkupContainerClassName(true), this will
make it very easy for the designers to identify which file is
responsible for generating any bit of markup they want to tweak.

also, be sure there is an easy way for the designer to launch an
uptodate build. we keep a set of scripts in our root svn folder that
run svn update and launch the app in a mode that creates a new
database and populates it with test data. to set up a designer we
perform an initial svn checkout, and they are good to go. this means
the designer can work on a live app (thanks to wicket's markup
reloading feature) and immediately see their changes, and more
importantly, if they borked anything.

there are times when the designer goes back to the dev team and asks
to have a bit of functionality added here and there, like a dynamic
css class on a specific tag, etc. the turnaround is usually pretty
quick and once the dev checks in the change the designer simply uses
the above mentioned script to update their build and move forward.
this allows the devs and the designers to pretty much work in parallel
past the initial wireframe implementation.

> Anything special we need to do wrt page layout, CSS, etc.?

not really. once you turn on the the debug setting above and explain
to your designer how tags like wicket:child, wicket:extend, and
wicket:link work they can get around pretty well. eg our guy uses
textmate to edit the html files and that works great for him.


> I'm happy to do the logical UI design, I just want them to be able to make
> it pretty (as you say).
> Cheers,
> Ashley.
> --
> Ashley Aitken
> Perth, Western Australia
> mrhatken at mac dot com
> Skype Name: MrHatken (GMT + 8 Hours!)
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